
Fibonacci Numbers & Ratios

After first 5 numbers in the sequence the following is true:

Any number divided by two numbers down in the sequence yields .382

1 divided by 2 yields .50

Any number divided by the next following number yields .618

Any number divided by the previous number yields 1.618

These are the core Fibonacci ratios we use to arrive at the other Fibonacci numbers

0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233,377,610,987,1597, etc.

Core Ratios





Square root of .50 = .707

Square root of .618 = .786

Square root of .707 = .841

Square root of .786 = .886

Square root of 1.618 = 1.272

Square root of 1.272 = 1.128

1.00 is also a Fibonacci level

2.00 is also a Fibonacci level

Square root of 2.00 = 1.414

.146= .186 times .786

.186= .236 times .786

.236= fib number divided by 3 numbers down in the sequence

.30= .382 X .786

.447= reciprocal of 2.236 (1 divided by 2.236)

.486= .618 times .786

.564= 1/2 of 1.128

.685= .618 to the .786th power

1.46= 1.618 to the .786th power

2.05= the reciprocal of .486 (1 divided by .486)

2.24= Square root of 5

1.46= 1.618 to the .786th power

2.05= the reciprocal of .486 (1 divided by .486)

2.24= Square root of 5